From Grants to Investments and everything in between for the Cultural and Creative Industries
“Pulso Key Findings Report: Making the Arts Investable”
Published by Pulso, Creative Finance Studio, in collaboration with its partners: CIM, BWP and Relèven.
A collection of the key learnings of the international and national roundtable discussions hosted in Europe and North America. It includes a picture of the global ecosystem working towards new funding models for the arts and creative industries.
“Mapping Cultural and Creative Impact Funds around the globe”
Published in the Deloitte Private Art and Finance Report 2023.
The map showcases a global overview of impact investment funds that support the cultural and creative industries (CCIs), emphasizing the growing opportunity to mobilize catalytic capital for the sector’s development and economic growth.
“Towards the creation of a Culture Impact Fund”
Collective work by Gabeiras y Asociados and Creas Impacto Global SGEIC, with the support from the Spanish Ministry of Culture.
An initial reflection on the current state of the cultural funding system, coupled with qualitative research into the opinions of different key players from the cultural and finance sectors. It presents the barriers, difficulties, needs and opportunities for the possible creation of an impact investment fund for culture in Spain.